Saturday, August 19, 2006

auspicious coincidence occurs on Janmashtami

On Janmashtami, the birth of Krishna, which was this past Wed. the 16th of August my mom received the package of books I sent from Kerela in S. India at Amritapuri 8 months ago. I was pretty bummed out that the package was lost, since it contained journals, Bhajan Books, and books on Amma that sold for a buck a book vs $12 to $15 in the states.
My roomates have been gone for the last few weeks, and one of my roomates received a package from Delhi the same day.
Janmashtami was great. I went to the temple in Denver with some devotee friends from Boulder. Prasadum, kirtan, chanting, dancing, classical Indian dance, theatre, and I was around a ton of Indians, most since Mumbai in April. Hari Bol!


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