Tuesday, September 05, 2006

12 days

12 Days

I'm 4 days shy of completing my 12 days in a row at work, which is a new record for me. Of course some of the shifts are a mere 4 hours, while others are around 9 hours, but still 12 days in a row is a lot. To further my ambitious will, I signed up for a 30 day pass at the Yoga Workshop, and was going for 5 days in a row of the grueling "skew me a bbq" practice, but my body is screaming for a day off, so I will listen to it, ending it at 3 days in a row, and starting again on Thurs. I love my job though, organic vegan foods, the community/family that it is, the people who shop there, co-workers, and the plastic forks, knives, and spoons made from corn that can be thrown into your garden, compost, or recycle bin. Ah gotta love Boulder. I missed Shiva bathing and kirtan last night, because I spent time with a friend who is in the hospital and leaves today. We spoke for about 2 hours about work, life, relationships, and so on. It was a beautiful moment, and coming home to cat Shanti purring and reading about Ayurveda and Samkyha philosophy to end a day sweetly....


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